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2013 Events at the IMC


Date + Time



Winter 2013

Noon Time Collection Talk with Don Snyder

Don Snyder, photographer, critical writer and professor in the School of Image Arts, is an expert on the work of Wendy MacNeil. He will show a range of her original preparatory and final prints and discuss her impact on photography at a time when a number of significant women photographers emerged in the field.

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) has acquired the archive of the celebrated New England-based photographer Wendy MacNeil, whose introduction of vernacular photography into her fine art practice in the early 1970s was groundbreaking. It was an era of experimentation, and resuscitation of early photographic processes, and MacNeil chose the exquisite platinum-palladium on vellum as her primary medium. Her portraits are exploratory, deeply engaging, and ask the perpetual question: is it possible to genuinely portray another?

Thursday, January 17
12:00 PM

Collection Talk

Peter Higdon Research Centre
122 Bond Street, Toronto, second floor, room RIC-241

Kodak Lecture Series: Mark Sealy

The discovery and announcement of early photographic processes in 1839 represent a defining moment in the history of Western visual culture. This is especially significant when we consider the dominant European ideologies of the mid-nineteenth century and the impact of Enlightenment thought on cultural difference at the time. Sealy argues that the early use of photography across race by those who adhered to ideologies founded on these ideals, helped establish a hierarchical world-view that shrouded ‘otherness’ in violence. It also created the conditions for photographic practices that normalised the violent and debasing treatment of those who were seen as inferior and outside of Western history.

Thursday, January 24
7:00 PM

Kodak Lecture
Watch Online

Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)
350 Victoria Street, room LIB-72, Toronto

Special Tour of Alfredo Jaar: The Politics of Images and Clive Holden: UNAMERICAN UNFAMOUS

Join Doina Popescu, Director of The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) and Dr. Gaëlle Morel, curator of Alfredo Jaar: The Politics of Images and Clive Holden: UNAMERICAN UNFAMOUS for tours of the exhibitions.

Wednesday, January 30
6:00 PM

Exhibition Tour

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
33 Gould Street, Toronto

Special Tour of Clive Holden: UNAMERICAN UNFAMOUS

Join artist Clive Holden for a tour of his work UNAMERICAN UNFAMOUS, which draws from the Black Star Collection and is presented on the Salah J. Bachir New Media Wall in The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre).

Wednesday, February 6
6:00 PM

Exhibition Tour

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
33 Gould Street, Toronto

Noon Time Collection Talk with Steven Evans

Steven Evans, photographer, collector and specialist in 19th century photography has emerged as an important player internationally on the collecting scene and in the photography marketplace. His holdings include works by many significant figures in 19th and early 20th century photography, and he has discovered and brought long lost practitioners back into the light. Steven is the generous donor of a range of 19th century albumen prints to The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) Collection by figures important in the history of photography. Using these original prints he will speak about their place in the revolution in visual culture delivered by photography in the decades after the announcement of its invention in 1839.

Thursday, February 14
12:00 PM

Collection Talk

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
33 Gould Street, Toronto

Kodak Lecture Series: Gabor Szilasi

In a dialogue with Professor David Harris, the curator of the exhibition, Gabor Szilasi will present an overview of his work, illuminating his approach to photography through a selection of images.

In the summer of 2013, the The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) will show Gabor Szilasi: The Eloquence of the Everyday, a retrospective of one of Canada’s pre-eminent social documentary photographers. Over the course of more than fifty years, Szilasi has created remarkable images of Quebec and Europe — townscapes and cityscapes, views of domestic and commercial architecture, and, pre-eminently, environmental portraits.

Thursday, March 14
7:00 PM

Kodak Lecture

Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)
350 Victoria Street, room LIB-72, Toronto

Noon Time Collection Talk with Phil Bergerson

Join photographer Phil Bergerson as he speaks about his book, Shards of America, as well as about its continuation and the development of a second book.

Phil Bergerson is a photographer whose fascination with the ironic detritus of North American culture is longstanding. His remarkable book, Shards of America, is a rich and tumbling index of cultural expression as seen in the architecture, the streets and the signage – commercial, anarchic, eccentric and imploring – of small towns across the continent. The The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) has been the fortunate recipient of a range of prints from the project, and is pleased to announce a talk by the artist on this work. Phil Bergerson’s work is held by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, the CMCP and the National Gallery of Canada. He is represented by the Stephen Bulger Gallery in Toronto.

Thursday, March 21
12:00 PM

Collection Talk

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
33 Gould Street, Toronto

Special Tour of Alfredo Jaar: The Politics of Images and Clive Holden: UNAMERICAN UNFAMOUS

Join Doina Popescu, Director of the The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) and Dr. Gaëlle Morel, curator of Alfredo Jaar: The Politics of Images and Clive Holden: UNAMERICAN UNFAMOUS for tours of the exhibitions.

Wednesday, March 27
6:00 PM

Exhibition Tour

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
33 Gould Street, Toronto

Spring/Summer 2013

Noon Time Collection Talk with Ruth Kaplan

Beginning in 1991, Bathers is a series of work that Toronto-based photographer, Ruth Kaplan, pursued for more than a decade. It is a seminal body of work in Kaplan’s practice and The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) is proud that it is well represented in the collection. In exploring the universality and cultural variety of the human connection to water, Bathers takes the viewer through contexts as varied as California’s Esalen, a centre of spiritual seeking, to the Czech Republic and other Eastern European settings where water is used as medical treatment. Later works include public baths in Morocco’s Atlas Mountains and hot springs in Iceland. Kaplan will also speak about her current projects.

Ruth Kaplan’s work is held by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, the CMCP, the Canada Council Art Bank and numerous private collections. She is represented by the Stephen Bulger Gallery in Toronto.

Thursday, April 17
12:00 PM

Collection Talk

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
33 Gould Street, Toronto

Black Star Book Launch

Join us at the The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) on for the launch of Black Star. A limited edition, handmade book, produced by Lumiere Press in Toronto, Black Star is edited and designed by publisher, photographer and author, Michael Torosian.

An introduction by The Image Centre Collections Curator Peter Higdon honours the longstanding collecting activity practiced by the School of Image Arts, and now by the The Image Centre, in developing its historically significant holdings of photography.

The central essay written by Michael Torosian addresses the European origins of the New York-based Black Star photo agency and its relationship to the rise of the picture magazine in North America. The remarkable character of the agency’s founders and their role in transplanting the picture magazine to North American culture in 1936 is examined in depth. Their successors, one of whom continues to direct the Black Star photo agency today, are profiled, and photographers, both recognized figures from the history of photography and those lesser known, are discussed and represented in a selection of powerful images from the collection.

Wednesday, May 8
7:00 PM

Special Event

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
33 Gould Street, Toronto

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) Symposium - The 'Public Life' of Photographs

The Image Centre’s symposium entitled “The ‘Public Life’ of Photographs” will analyze the dissemination of photographic images from the nineteenth century to the present. The reproducibility of a photograph largely determines how it is used, shared, and made accessible. Photography can perform a wide range of functions: it can be a vehicle of information, an instrument of ideology, a means of scientific exploration, and an artistic medium. The flexible nature of photography and its use within many different contexts demand a wide scholarly approach. 

The conference will bring together experts in the history of photography, art history, philosophy, and visual culture, including 15 internationally renowned scholars and curators, from Canada, the United States, France, Germany, England, and New Zealand, for a three-day symposium (May 9 to 11, 2013) at the The Image Centre, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University).

Thursday, May 9
6:00 – 8:00 PM

Friday, May 10
9:00 – 6:00 PM

Saturday, May 11
9:00 – 6:00 PM

Special Event
Watch Online:
Day 1
Day 2

Day 3

School of Image Arts, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)
122 Bond Street, room IMA-307, Toronto

Special Tour of Arthur S. Goss: Works and Days

Join exhibition curators Blake Fitzpatrick and John Bentley Mays for an exhibition tour of Arthur S. Goss: Works and Days.  

Wednesday, May 15
6:00 PM

Exhibition Tour

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
33 Gould Street, Toronto

Special Tour of Gabor Szilasi: The Eloquence of the Everyday

Join exhibition curator David Harris for a special tour of Gabor Szilasi: The Eloquence of the Everyday.

Wednesday, July 24
6:00 PM

Exhibition Tour

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
33 Gould Street, Toronto

Special Tour of Arthur S. Goss: Works and Days

Join exhibition curators Blake Fitzpatrick and John Bentley Mays for a special tour of Arthur S. Goss: Works and Days.

Wednesday, August 14
6:00 PM

Exhibition Tour

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
33 Gould Street, Toronto

Fall 2013

Noon Time Collection Talk with Peter Higdon

Join Peter Higdon, Collections Curator, as he speaks about Toronto collector Mark Wolfson’s important 2010 gift of thirty-two photographs to The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre).

The donation includes works by Peter Henry Emerson, Edward Muybridge, W. Eugene Smith and Jacques-Henri Lartigue, as well as rare panoramic prints by H. O. Dodge that document the celebrative pageantry that took place during Quebec City’s Tercentenary in 1908. Peter will show and discuss a selection of prints from the donation. Mark Wolfson will be present for questions and commentary on his collecting practice. Please join us for this introduction to an important addition to the holdings.

Thursday, September 19
12:00 PM

Collection Talk

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
33 Gould Street, Toronto

Special Tour of Ghost Dance: Activism. Resistance. Art.

Join guest curator Steve Loft and special guest(s) for an exhibition tour of Ghost Dance: Activism. Resistance. Art.

Wednesday, September 25
6:00 PM

Exhibition Tour

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
33 Gould Street, Toronto

Kodak Lecture Series: Alfredo Jaar

The artist will discuss his most recent projects realized around the world. 

Wednesday, October 2
7:30 PM

Kodak Lecture
Watch Online

Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)
350 Victoria Street, room LIB-72, Toronto

Noon Time Collection Talk with Marcus Schubert

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) is pleased to have a strong representative selection of prints from photographer Marcus Schubert’s seminal body of work, Visionary Environments. A gift of the artist, the works were produced over the period of 1985 – 1990 in Europe, the United States and Canada. Schubert’s deep interest in Outsider Art led him to both document and interpret a diverse range of extraordinary architectural and sculptural creations constructed by untrained practitioners. Marcus Schubert’s work is a testament to these artists’ fantastical and often obsessive visions, which flow from rich imaginations unimpeded by the limitations of traditional artistic convention. Please join us for a presentation and discussion of the work by the artist.

Thursday, October 17
12:00 PM

Collection Talk

Peter Higdon Research Centre
122 Bond Street, Toronto, second floor, room RIC-241

Special Tour of Ghost Dance: Activism. Resistance. Art.

Join guest curator Steve Loft and special guest(s) for an exhibition tour of Ghost Dance: Activism. Resistance. Art.

Wednesday, October 23
6:00 PM

Exhibition Tour

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
33 Gould Street, Toronto

Film Screening: Spring & Arnaud

Cinematically gorgeous and beautifully crafted, Spring & Arnaud is a breathtakingly tender and intelligent love story about acclaimed Canadian artists Spring Hurlbut and Arnaud Maggs. Arnaud, turning 85, embarks on a series of self-portraits that wryly depict his life’s work. At 60, Spring is creating haunting works that evoke mortality while harboring the certainty that Arnaud’s time is limited. The couple’s devotion to each other as they face the reality of Arnaud’s illness is matched only by their dedication to their own work. Together and alone, each grapples with the nature of an artist’s creativity where the drive for invention and discovery resists life’s finite reality

To watch the trailer and find a full schedule of dates and times, including info on special guests and post-screening Q&As, please follow this link:

Friday, November 1 - 
Tuesday, November 5


Hot Docs Bloor Cinema
506 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Special Tour of Ghost Dance: Activism. Resistance. Art.

Join guest curator Steve Loft and artist Alan Michelson for an exhibition tour of Ghost Dance: Activism. Resistance. Art.

Wednesday, November 13
6:00 PM

Exhibition Tour

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
33 Gould Street, Toronto

Noon Time Collection Talk with Valérie Matteau

Join Valérie Matteau, The Image Centre’s (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) Curatorial Associate + Exhibitions Coordinator, as she speaks about two current projects whose aims are to deepen our knowledge of the Black Star Collection − the first being an oral history documentary film project, and the second, a crowd-sourced ‘keywording’ initiative that offers a new point of access into the holdings. 

Drawing from the Black Star Collection’s photographs of the American Civil Rights Movement, Valérie will show original prints in conjunction with excerpts from film interviews where the photographers recount their experiences documenting these historic events, animating their own photographs, and enhancing our understanding of the images. Valérie will then discuss the The Image Centre’s “tagging” project with Tagasauris, an approach that uses crowdsourcing to describe subjects in photographs from the Collections, with the result of allowing contemporary terms to be used when searching the Collections Database. Please join us for a presentation on how these current projects at the The Image Centre are enriching our understanding of the Black Star Collection.

Thursday, November 14
12:00 PM

Collection Talk

Peter Higdon Research Centre
122 Bond Street, Toronto, second floor, room RIC-241

Winter 2013

Special Tour of Ghost Dance: Activism. Resistance. Art.

Join guest curator Steve Loft for an exhibition tour of Ghost Dance: Activism. Resistance. Art.

Wednesday, December 11
6:00 PM

Exhibition Tour

The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
33 Gould Street, Toronto