Photography Historians: A New Generation?

Ralph Crane, [Professor Hildebrand looks at his class, University of California], October 1948, gelatin silver print. The Black Star Collection, The Image Centre
March 26 – 28, 2015
School of Image Arts, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University)
122 Bond Street, Toronto, IMA-307
Admission to the event is free. Seating is limited and provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
Watch Online:
Thursday, March 26
Friday, March 27, Part 1
Friday, March 27, Part 2
Saturday, March 28
The fourth annual The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) symposium on photography, this year entitled “Photography Historians: A New Generation?” highlights the most current research in the history of photography, bringing emerging scholars from universities worldwide to speak about their bodies of inquiry, their methods and their findings. This rising group of young photo-historians will engage in dialogue with renowned scholars, revealing how contemporary historical inquiry sits within—and departs from—established traditions. The hope is that participants, and the audience, may better understand how we came to surpass notions of the “history of photography,” moving beyond even diverse “histories of photography,” to arrive at our present sense that there are many histories of photographs.
The conference will take place over two and a half days and will be divided into fours sections to highlight thematic similarities and shared concerns: “The Role of Photographic Reproductions,” “The Business of Photography,” “The Construction of Photographic Meanings” and “Art Photography in the Making.”
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Welcome & Keynote Address
6:00 pm — Doors open
6:10 pm — Research Activities at The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
Paul Roth, Director, The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) (Toronto, Canada)
6:20 pm — Introduction
Dr. Thierry Gervais, Assistant Professor, School of Image Arts, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) and Head of Research, The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) (Toronto, Canada)
6:30 pm — Keynote Address, Photography as History: Questions Old and New
Dr. François Brunet, Professor, Art et Littérature des États-Unis, Université Paris-Diderot, and Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (Paris, France)
Friday, March 27, 2015
9:00 am — Doors open
9:15 am — Panel Introduction, The Photographic Reproduction Role
Dr. Thierry Gervais, Assistant Professor, School of Image Arts, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) and Head of Research, The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) (Toronto, Canada)
9:20 am — In the Era of Experiment: Photographie Zoologique (1853) and the Dream of Photographic Reproduction
Kate Addleman-Frankel, University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
10:00 am — A Library in a Handbag: The Rise and Imaginary of Microfilm (1920s to 1950s)
Dr. Estelle Blaschke, École Cantonale d’Art de Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland)
10:40 am to 11:00 am — Coffee break
11:00 am — Herding Cats: The Objects and Object of Photographic History
Pr. Larry J. Schaaf, Director, William Henry Fox Talbot Catalogue Raisonné, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford (Oxford, UK)
11:40 am – Panel discussion
Kate Addleman-Frankel, Dr. Estelle Blaschke, Pr. Larry J. Schaaf and Dr. Thierry Gervais
12:30 pm — Lunch break
2:00 pm — Panel Introduction
Dr. Blake Fitzpatrick, Professor, School of Image Arts, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) (Toronto, Canada)
2:05 pm — To Promote the Progress of Science and Useful Arts
Dr. Mazie M. Harris, assistant curator, Department of Photographs, J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, USA)
2:45 pm — The Eastman Kodak Company and the Incorporation of Photography: Changing Business Practices and Their Impact on the Existing Photographic Industry in Canada, 1885-1905.
Shannon Perry, De Montfort University (Leicester, UK)
3:25 pm — Coffee break
3:45 pm — The Business of Photo History: Beyond the Polemical Style
Dr. Douglas Nickel, Professor, History of Art and Architecture, Brown University (Providence, USA).
4:25 pm — Panel discussion
Dr. Mazie M. Harris, Shannon Perry, Dr. Douglas Nickel and Dr. Blake Fitzpatrick
Saturday, March 28, 2015
9:00 am — Doors open
9:15 am — Panel Introduction, The Construction of Photographic Meanings
Dr. Gäelle Morel, Exhibitions Curator, The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) (Toronto, Canada)
9:20 am — The Decisive Network: Producing Henri Cartier-Bresson at Mid-Century
Nadya Bair, University of Southern California (Los Angeles, USA)
10:00 am — Picturing Citizenship: the Colonial Office Visual Instruction Committee’s photographic lantern slides, 1900-45
Dr. Gabrielle Moser, OCAD University (Toronto, Canada)
10:40 am — Coffee break
11:00 am — The Transition to Color in News Photography: More Poetry, Less Prose?
Dr. Vanessa Schwartz, Professor and Director, Visual Studies Research Institute, University of Southern California, (Los Angeles, USA)
11:40 am – Panel discussion
Nadya Bair, Dr. Gabrielle Moser, Dr. Vanessa Schwartz, Dr. Gaëlle Morel
12:30 pm — Lunch break
2:00 pm — Panel Introduction, Art Photography in the Making
Paul Roth, Director, The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre) (Toronto, Canada)
2:05 pm — ‘Social Significance in a Rock’: Group f.64 at the M.H. de Young Memorial Museum
Ellen MacFarlane, Princeton University (Princeton, USA)
2:45 pm — Lartigue in the Eyes of Avedon
Dr. Marianne le Galliard, Lartigue Foundation (Paris, France), and Hartung-Bergman Foundation (Antibes, France)
3:25 pm — Coffee break
3:45 pm — Futurism, Photography, Fantasms and Fascism
Pr. Marta Braun, Professor and Director of the Film and Photography Preservation and Collections Management Master’s program, Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson University) (Toronto, Canada)
4:25 pm — Panel discussion
Ellen MacFarlane, Dr. Marianne le Galliard, Pr. Marta Braun, Paul Roth