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A book cover with an image of a girl wearing a tshirt, shorts, and long socks jumping. Text reads 'Hold Still. Sally Mann. A Memoir With Photographs'
Fig. 1

The front cover of Hold Still by Sally Mann

Sally Mann discusses her new memoir Hold Still with Ryerson Image Centre Director Paul Roth, May 22nd

May. 14, 2015

The Ryerson Image Centre is pleased to present acclaimed photographer Sally Mann in conversation with RIC director Paul Roth.

Mann will discuss her new publication, Hold Still: A Memoir with Photographs, a groundbreaking personal history with the page-turning drama of a great novel.

Sorting through family papers and yellowed photographs, the artist finds more than she bargained for, including “deceit and scandal, alcohol, domestic abuse, clandestine affairs, disputed family land, racial complications, vast sums of money made and lost...maybe even bloody murder.”

Sally Mann in conversation with Paul Roth

Friday, May 22, 2015, 7:00 p.m.

Ryerson University Library 350 Victoria Street, LIB-72 Toronto, ON

The event is free and open to the public and seating is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Attendees will receive a complimentary copy of the book – while supplies last. Admission and book giveaway are generously supported by the Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival.