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Su Rynard: As Soon As Weather Will Permit

September 13–December 9, 2023
Salah J. Bachir New Media Wall
Guest Curator: Alexandra Gooding

Artist Su Rynard’s correspondence with her uncle, Vernon Rowley, inspired As Soon As Weather Will Permit—the haunting and disquieting story of one soldier’s participation in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945. This two-channel video combines their verbal and written exchanges with family archives, historical footage evoking nuclear warfare, and stark landscapes of the Utah airfield and bombing range where Air Force radar operator Rowley trained for the atomic mission by the US government. Threading these disparate audiovisual elements together, Rynard reconciles one person’s conflicted recollection with the collective memory of a dramatic and violent historic event.

 The artist gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.


Related Event(s)

Opening Party
Tuesday, September 12, 2023 | 7:30-9:30 pm

All events take place at The Image Centre (33 Gould St., Toronto) unless otherwise noted.

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Fig. 1

Su Rynard, As Soon As Weather Will Permit (still), 2014, two-channel video. Courtesy of V/Tape and Paul Petro Contemporary Art

Fig. 2

Su Rynard, As Soon As Weather Will Permit (still), 2014, two-channel video. Courtesy of V/Tape and Paul Petro Contemporary Art

Fig. 3

Su Rynard, As Soon As Weather Will Permit (still), 2014, two-channel video. Courtesy of V/Tape and Paul Petro Contemporary Art

Fig. 4

Su Rynard, As Soon As Weather Will Permit (still), 2014, two-channel video. Courtesy of V/Tape and Paul Petro Contemporary Art

Fig. 5

Su Rynard, As Soon As Weather Will Permit (still), 2014, two-channel video. Courtesy of V/Tape and Paul Petro Contemporary Art

Artist Bio

Su Rynard

Filmmaker and media artist Susan (Su) C. Rynard (Canadian, b. 1961) grew up on Canadian Forces Base Downsview and holds a degree from OCAD University, Toronto. Her documentary, experimental, and installation videos are inspired by art, science, ecology, and the complexities of the human relationship to the natural world. Her work has been screened at international film festivals, including the Toronto International Film Festival and the Rotterdam International Film Festival, and examples have joined the collections of the National Gallery of Canada and the Museum of Modern Art, New York. She has received many awards, notably the Prix Buffon from Pariscience and the prestigious Alfred P. Sloan Feature Film Prize. Rynard is represented by Paul Petro Contemporary Art in Toronto. 

Installation Shots

Fig. 1

Su Rynard: As Soon As Weather Will Permit (installation view), 2023 © LF Documentation, The Image Centre

Fig. 2

Su Rynard: As Soon As Weather Will Permit (installation view), 2023 © LF Documentation, The Image Centre

Fig. 3

Su Rynard: As Soon As Weather Will Permit (installation view), 2023 © LF Documentation, The Image Centre

Su Rynard: As Soon As Weather Will Permit