Jackson Klie & Michelle O’Byrne: Model
November 18 – December 13, 2015
Student Gallery, The Image Centre (formerly Ryerson Image Centre)
Using the unruly archive of popular photography as their source, Jackson Klie and Michelle O’Byrne deconstruct the idea of the photographic corpus through a series of sculptural collages. Culling through magazines, reference books, how-to manuals and various pop culture resources, images of the human body are found, reworked and re-presented. These poetic and strange interventions isolate and play with conventional representations of the body, inviting us to rethink normative and idealized gestures. Transforming and interacting with the photographic surface, this series of works highlights the contingent nature of photography and identity. Using the mirror, a tool integral to the analogue camera, one that both aids and distorts vision, this collection of works puts forward a layered and surreal perspective of our image-saturated world. The viewer is invited to reconsider photography’s power to constitute our self-perception and our everyday reality.
Opening Party
Wednesday, November 18
6:00 – 8:00 PM

Jackson Klie & Michelle O'Byrne, Untitled (model test), mirror, book fragments, 2015. Courtesy of the artist

Jackson Klie, Untitled (neck), photomechanical print, 2014. Courtesy of the artist
Installation Shots

Jackson Klie and Michelle O’Byrne: Model (installation view), 2015 © Larissa Issler, The Image Centre

Jackson Klie and Michelle O’Byrne: Model (installation view), 2015 © Larissa Issler, The Image Centre

Jackson Klie and Michelle O’Byrne: Model (installation view), 2015 © Larissa Issler, The Image Centre